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Dr. Evelyn GIbbs

Dallas, TX

Evelyn Gibbs, PhD, LCSW-S,  has been employed with the VA North Texas Health care system for almost 15 years working with the medical and mental health population.  In her current position, as the Veterans Justice Outreach Specialist, Dr. Gibbs provides outreach to local jails, serve as a liaison to local Veterans Courts and works closely with attorneys and the courts to avoid unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans.


In April 2018, she took on the collateral duties of LGBT Veterans’ Care Coordinator, seeking to address the inequities that this Veteran population may experience as a minority group. Currently doing the control substance inspection audit for the past 2 years ensuring that the Veteran gets the prescribed medications and reduce discrepancies in dispensing and wastage. Prior to joining the VAMC, she worked as a Staff Accountant for over 25 years for various organizations.

Currently volunteering at my church as the assistant treasurer following 15 years as treasurer. During that time I have seen our savings from under $250K or over $1m reducing wastage and misappropriation of funds. This experience is what I plan to bring to the ASASW committee. Dr. Gibbs holds a PhD in Counseling Education as well as a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Texas A&M Commerce.  She earned her bachelor's degree from the University of North Texas.

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